
It was a day like any other. I woke up, got dressed, had breakfast and went off to school. While i was walking, i looked at the clouds and thought they looked funny today, i really like looking at clouds and i know them very well but while i took my seat at the back of the class i couldnt shake the feeling that something was off with the clouds i knew so well. As time passed i began to notice that the clouds were moving faster than usual, or was it just my imagination? I decided not to think too hard on the matter, my grades where failing and i needed to pay attention in class. After school finally ended i decided to go to my secret hidey hole and examin the phomenon that, it seems, nobody had noticed. The longer i looked at the sky the more i got worried clouds normally moved in a sraight line but theese clouds were movin randomly, and very fast at that. Just as i was going to head home and tell my friend about this i saw from the corner of my eye a cloud decending i whirled arround in fright and, to my horror, saw that the cloud had eyes and and a mouth.


I tried to move but i was rooted to the spot. The cloud looked at me and smiled “I get why you are scared” it said. I  was still in shock, this was the most bizzare thing i had ever seen. “Come on now relax” said the cloud moving towards me, i wanted to run away but something kept me there. I closed  my eyes as the cloud came closer and tuched me, at that moment i felt the most wonderful feeling i had ever felt. As the cloud drew back i looked into its eyes “What is going on” i said “I have been sent by the all mighty Zeus to ask you a question” said the cloud. I waited  to hear the question “We clouds are actually humans blessed by lord Zeus” went on the cloud “And you my fine sir have been selected to be a cloud”. I stood there thinking apart from the fact that this was probably a dream this was a cenrip i had dreamed of for years. I had longed being a part of the blue sky. But i thougt if i were a cloud what would i do? The first few days would undoubtedly be the best time of my life but after a few months roaming the sky aimlessly would become boring. I told this worry to the cloud wich laughed “Clouds dont roam the sky for eternity they take brakes, have parties and days off”. I didnt want to think any more, i had made my decidion, I accept i seid and at that moment my body started glowing and then bursted into a ball of light. And as the devil disguised as acloud darged me to the bouls of hell all i could do was cry for help.

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