A Journey To The Undiscovered Planet

One day, while I was reading a book, my sister shouted, “THE SCIENTISTS DISCOVERED A NEW PLANET, AND ITS NAME IS ALPHA-D!”

I was really excited. But then my mom said, “IT’S TIME TO SLEEP!” The next day at school, I talked about the new planet, but no one cared about it. After school, I told my mom, “Mom, I want to go to that planet.” She replied, “Okay, but can you take care of yourself?” I said, “Don’t worry, it’s easy… I guess.”

One month later, I had a meeting with NASA. They told me, “Okay, you can go, but it is very dangerous.” I said, “That’s not so bad, I think.” A week later, my rocket was ready. I was going with my two best friends.

Thirty minutes after takeoff, we were flying in our rocket. We traveled about 100 light-years and finally saw the planet. It was yellow and orange, but there was a black hole nearby. We thought it would be fun. But then the black hole started pulling us in. We were terrified, but then I heard something – my mom was calling my name. That’s when I realized it was all a scary, funny, and slightly disturbing dream!


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