How the Disappearance of Mosquitos Would Effect Our World

I think most of us can agree we are not the biggest fan of mosquitos, maybe depending on the region you live it would be a dream come true to have them go extinct. But despite our annoyance with these small little creatures, they serve a important role in the world as with any other specie.

Something that goes right through our minds is that mosquitoes are part of an ecosystem just like any other plant or animal, and removing them could disturb the balance of the chain, many animals such as dragon flies, turtles, bats and many bird species rely on mosquitos for their meals. The disappearance of mosquitos would guarantee the extinction of these animals and the ones that feed on the animals that eat mosquitos. And just like that an entire ecosystem can go extinct simply by removing mosquitos. While the animals that rely on mosquitos would decrease, the animals that are prey to the mosquitos which are not many would increase in population drastically. While there aren’t many mosquito prey this would still be a disaster.

In conclusion even though mosquitos are definitely a annoyance to us they are a crucial part of our world to keep balance between other animals.

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