Golden Girl

Once upon a time, in a village located between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Pelin. Pelin was a really helpful person and she was always willing to lend a help those in need.


One sunny afternoon, Pelin was sitting in the village in front of the Sun and then she heard a soft voice calling her name. “Pelin, can you look quietly and slowly at the ground?” the voice whispered. Pelin followed the sound.To her surprise, located among the  long grass, was a shimmering golden bracelet. Pelin was really shocked when she saw the bracelet,as she carefully picked up the jewelry. “Am I mistaken, or is there a golden bracelet right under my foot?” she said to herself, while looking at the unexpected discovery.


Word of Pelin’s find spread quickly throughout the village, and soon she became known as the girl with the golden lucky girl. From that day on, everyone thought Pelin was the luckiest person to ever born in that village.

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