Alchemy That Ends Alone

I huddled over my cluttered work table in my alchemy lab, which was in the Carpathian Mountains and had low lighting. I spent hundreds of years obsessed with trying to stay alive forever, it’s all I thought about. I had been known by a different name for a while, so everyone just started calling me the Alchemist.
After working my butt off for years and experimenting with a bunch of stuff, I finally nailed my goal. I looked into really old stuff, went to sketchy places to get cool stuff, and figured out secret documents. This trip has really cost me a lot – making me lose friends, family, and at times, my mind.
But that night, everything just clicked as the moon hit its peak.
There was a cool silver drink in a see-through bottle on the table, totally defying the laws of nature. It’s like a concoction made with the phoenix’s tears, the dragon’s breath, and the philosopher’s stone.
I poured the potion carefully into a cute cup and drank it quickly, feeling super excited and nervous.

I was all warm and fuzzy inside after going through such an awesome transformation. My body felt so much better: wrinkles were gone, aches disappeared, and I felt youthful and strong. I’m immortal.
The first thrill got me super pumped. I’ve been all over the world, seeing empires come and go, crazy technology, and tons of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I learned so much more than humanly possible. However, as time went on and centuries passed, it was obvious that being immortal came with a big price.

I’ve seen a lot of people come and go over the years, forming relationships that didn’t end up lasting. The thrill of finding out new stuff died down and now I’m just stuck in the same old boring routine. The thought of living forever felt like a burden, constantly reminding me of the downside to what seemed like a good thing.
What I used to chase after so passionately is now causing me so much pain.

I am currently in my lab, alone, surrounded by a pile of old books that haven’t been touched in ages. I am the creator, eternally linked to the things I have made through my own hard work. I possess the key to living forever, buta I have to journey through time by myself without pausing..

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