Effects of the Disapparence of Mosquitoes

As humans we are quite annoyed by some bugs and the head of this list consists of mosquitoes. Thinking that the disappearance of mosquitoes would not lead to a significant change in the ecosystem is a debate among scientists. While some argue that mosquitoes aren’t necessary in the ecosystem and their absence would not cause much, others believe that their removal could have larger effects on the environment.

Firstly, mosquitoes are the main nutrition source for many animals. Many species of birds, bats, amphibians, and insects rely on mosquitoes for their diet. For example, some fish such as mosquitofish feed on mosquito larvae, which are mostly found in still water. The absence of mosquitoes would most probably cause a shortage of these species food sources and risk them being endangered.

Also, mosquitoes are carriers for pollination. Certain species of mosquitoes take part in the pollination of plants. Despite not being primary pollinators, their contribution is still very much needed for some plant’s pollination. Without mosquitoes, these plants would once again risk becoming endangered since they have a hard time reproducing.

While we consider animal life first in case of an absence of mosquitoes, we should also include humans. Mosquitoes are not only carriers of pollination they are also carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue, and Zika virus, which pose significant health risks to humans. If mosquitoes somehow disappeared this would be life changing for a lot of people since mosquitoes kill more than any other species in the world.

In conclusion, the disappearance of mosquitoes for the first decade would not cause much change to our ecosystem. But later, a bunch of other animals and bugs would have a decrease in their population, as well as plants. Whereas humans would stop getting sick because of mosquitoes and each year a lot of people would be saved from getting diseases. When we consider all this change on our environment and on our ecosystem, it is safe to say that the disappearance of mosquitoes would indeed cause huge changes throughout our world whether those changes are good or bad for us.

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