The Day Everything Changed

A group of detectives and researchers were exploring abandoned houses belonging to people who were said to be cursed. They stumbled upon one particular house where they found a diary. The story within was undoubtedly intriguing, although they couldn’t find the author’s name.

“It was a normal, mundane day. Nothing could go wrong…right? Well, I was mistaken. It all started on May 14th, 2024. Everyone on the planet was cursed. Well, mine was immortality. Oh, what a fool I was back then. I was content with my curse! I thought I would be able to remain with my loved ones forever… Well, guess what? It didn’t go as planned.

Years later, on February 9th, 2048, the Ankara Tower collapsed due to a terrorist attack. My family and I had planned to go there that day, but due to my illness, I stayed behind. I wish I had gone with them. It would have been better to share their fate than to have my own… It was a terrible day. Skipping ahead to June 29th, 2063. What has become of the world? I can hardly find anyone with natural skin anymore! They all have some kind of device implanted in it. It appears somewhat grey; I have no adequate description for it. I suspect their skin is deteriorating due to the polluted air and toxicity. That’s why they resort to… that.

And now, August 1st, 2097. The outside resembles a scene from a warfare game from the 2010s! I stepped out of my house to buy some bread, and now I’m patching up the cracks in my home so I can at least stay a bit warmer.”

“Wait…” One of the researchers interrupted, “If this person’s curse is immortality… wouldn’t she be in her house right n-?” And there she was, staring at them menacingly. She asked, “Who are you people? Why are you here?”

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