An Alchemist Who Found Immortality

Hi, I’m an alchemist who discovered immortality. It all started in the fifth grade when I was having chemistry lessons. My teacher said, “If you mix water and the secret liquid, you will find power.” I did it at the age of 49. I exclaimed, “I’ve found immortality!” I was ecstatic. However, all my friends were dying, and I had to make new friends every time. I was lonely and sad. I had to attend a funeral every time one of my friends died. It was heartbreaking. Even every pet I adopted died. I even adopted a bodyguard, but he died too. I realized that living forever is a bad thing since you only live one life and don’t experience the natural cycle of life. Life has meaning: to live, make a family, make friends, learn new things, grow old, and eventually die. However, it was not the same for me. I could take risks anywhere, anytime, and still live. That’s why I created the opposite of immortality, the ability to return to normal life. It took me 933,462 years, but it worked. As soon as I drank the potion, I died.

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