Mysterious Trunk

“The class has finished,you can go now” our science teacher said,it is the last lesson of friday,which I am happy that I can go home and rest.Lizzie said,what will you do this evening,maybe we can meet up together, as we walk to get out from school,Amber agrees her,that would be awesome,we can rest and relax, she said,yeah in a concert,I jokingly said,come on,charlotte, we’ll have a lot of fun,lizzie said,and I won’t,girls, we’ve just moved in and I need to arrange my room,I said,amber, you’ve been moving for almost 1 month already, I said have fun,they said I’ll see you then, and we parted ways.My family and I moved to new house about a month ago, the house was big and peaceful,my room was also quite massive,I had been trying to arrange my room for 1 week, but I was constantly undecided and changing, my deciding phase will end today,and the things I ordered for my room had arrived, no one could stop me anymore, and I also wanted to visit the house, especially that scary-looking basement, but of course I was a little scared, so we decided to go down with my brother last night, my parents said not to go down to the basement, but just out of curiosity, if my mother insisted that we not go down so much, we succumbed to our curiosity and decided to go down.

I was walking home,and it wasn’t far from school anyway.We had already moved to this house in this house because it was close to our schools with my brother and also close to our family’s work, when I got home I left my things at the entrance of the door and headed towards the kitchen, when I entered the kitchen I saw my brother cooking, my brother Nathan, welcome, how was your day, Isaid it was fine, he said are you still thinking of going down, I said let’s take a look at the place from that horror movie, let’s see, we’ll be the main character in a horror movie in an instant, what do you think, my brother had a big laugh, what if you don’t mind, I’ve always wanted to be in a horror movie,he said,I told my brother that this is really ridiculous, you know,what happened, charlotte said did you give up right away,I confidently said no, then it’s time to get down now because there’s not much time for mom and dad to come, he said,okay, I said.My brother quit cookingand we made our way to the basement.

There was a long corridor running from the exit at the end of the hall, a lot of canvases were hanging,there was a door at the end of the corridor on the right side,we looked at the door for a long time and then we opened the door, obviously I was expecting it to be darker, but there was a twinkling light at the end of the stairs, we went down the stairs slowly, when we got down we saw that the room was really bright,there was a glass on the right of the room, you could watch the garden through the glass, there were only a few items in the room, a large and old bookcase and a box in the middle of the room, it was closed .My brother why didn’t mom want us to get off,which is a nice place,she said,so I probably said not to get allergies from dust, the room was really dusty.I slightly moved forward and opened one of the big windows and headed for that closed box,and my brother said why are you opening it, maybe there are items in it that don’t come out of other boxes, for example, my mother’s very favorite vase, I said, maybe, my brother said, and finally I opened the box.

When I opened the box, I was expecting a vase, but instead there were a lot of pieces of paper.Brother,what are these? He said, shaking my head as if I didn’t know, I picked up one of the papers, it was a photo,there was a family in the photo,a blonde woman, an auburn man looking at her next to her, and below them two children, one girl, one boy,it was a happy family picture,then I examined the other papers, most of the papers had a missing person’s notice,on the papers it said contact this number if you find two children missing, the children were the children in that family photo, they disappeared after a flood in the city,my mother told us, about 12 years ago in the city there was a big flooding it happened and many people lost their lives,I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the children,and when I took out the other paper, I decided that the paper was a letter,I said hey look at my brother, pointing at the letter, I opened the letter and was shocked by what I read.His letter was written to my mother,he told them to return the children to their parents that these children were not his and my father,and my mother did not respond positively to this, and wrote that the children were his, that he had saved them and now adopted them, and even put a name to the children, naming the boy Nathan, and the girl Charlotte…We weren’t actually mom and dad’s children,my brother, who was reading this, looked at me,we were both in shock,we had just revealed a big family secret. Our family secrets were hidden in the trunk in the basement of our house.When I opened the trunk,I learned things that changed my outlook on life.And since that day my life has changed upside down.


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