How do Online games effect us?

Today I wanna talk about “Is online gaming trend a social issue or just a entertainment?”Nowadays almost every child play online games and some adults do it too. Some people tell that online games damage and some of them tell that it decreases stress.


There are lots of online games. These games can be played by everyone on a lots of platforms. Xbox, Playstation, PC, Leptop are just some of the platforms which these games can be played. Even you can play online games on your phone. Everyday big online games companies improve their games so they can gain new players. Fortnite, Valorant, Pubg are some of these games.

Nowadays it is known as children play online games too much but not only children play online games. There are lots of online games publishers and youtubers who plays online games for hours. Of course there are some children that overdo playing games. I know someone who played games for about 32 hours and he leave the PC only for toilet. Anyway, if we get back to the topic. Of course we can say that it damages people if they play it too much, like my friend. After playing too much games our eyes can get damage and we can feel exhausted after sitting in front of the screen for hours. We can’t skip the difference between games and “ONLİNE” games. Online games are the big part of bullying. Most of the online games have chat. Chat can be voice chat, text chat or both. At these chats good friendships can be made but some people get bullied too in these games. Also I think games can improve intelligence. It can decreases cortisol levels. So If you want to relax and get away froma stressfull week you can play games without overdoing it. In my opinion children who play games can have better analysis and reflexes.


Long story short,playing games can damage you if you overdo it. But if you play online games without overdoing it. It can decreases your stress even improve you. So we can’t say it damages or it is just an entertainment. It changes according to your usage.

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