With the rapid development of the digital universe worldwide, innovations that emerge every day in devices such as cinema and television come to the fore. From the inception of cinema, viewing habits have undergone various transformations and changes over the years. Starting from Nickelodeons, the development of technological features and exhibition techniques has shifted away from attraction centers and transitioned into movie theaters, thanks to increasing opportunities. Later, the tradition of mass viewing through movie theaters became a common focus.

The movie-watching experience has reached gigantic proportions. With the advent of World War II, televisions, which have become widespread worldwide, have now become a part of our homes, enabling us to share the cinema experience. With the increase in technology, movie copies can now be accessed from home and on the internet via DVDs. During this period, there was a rapid increase in individual viewing experiences. Another development affecting cinema culture today is the proliferation of digital platforms, which has reduced the collective viewing experience and increased individual viewing.

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