Lost Kids

One day, there was an angry family who loved to spend time outside. Mom yelled, “Kids, come on, dinner is ready.” Violet and Mike came down from upstairs, and Violet yelled, “Mom! Mike tried to push me out of the window.” Mike replied, “But Mom, Violet tried to steal my car.” Mom yelled loudly, “STOP! Stop fighting, kids.” Then, she turned to Mike and scolded, “That’s something very dangerous, Mike Peterson!” Mike started to cry. Mom yelled again, “What if Violet had fallen out of the window and broken something?!” They all sat at the table and started to eat. Dad said, “I planned a perfect camping night for Saturday.” Mom loved this idea, and the kids looked at each other with smiley faces. They were both naughty. Mom said, “Today is Friday, so it’s tomorrow.” Dad said, “Yes, kids, start packing your items.” Mom eagerly said, “I will pack up before I wash the dishes.” Dad was quite surprised. The next day, they went there and started to set up their items. At night, Dad wanted to make a fire, but there was no wood. So Dad sent the kids to collect wood. Violet complained, “Come on, Dad, you know that we are angry with each other, Mike and me.” Dad replied, “That’s why I selected both of you to go.” Violet angrily looked at her dad. “Mike has already gone,” said Dad. Violet started to run after Mike. “Where are we?” Violet asked. Mike replied, “Can’t you see? We are in the forest.” Violet asked, “What part of the forest?” Mike looked at Violet fearfully and said, “WE ARE LOST!” Violet started to scold him and said, “Thank you, brother, for losing us in the forest.” Mike replied, “No problem.” Violet suggested, “Come on, let’s collect some wood and make a fire to stay warm.” Mike agreed, “Great idea.” Violet added, “I will collect leaves to make a bed on the floor.” Mike, scared of losing Violet, said, “If I lose you too, I would be very scared, so please don’t go too far away.” Violet nodded. The next day, their mom and dad were yelling, so they ran towards the sound and found their family. They were really happy and went home.

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