The Story of A Girl From Ancient Greece

It’s been a while since I read a book, I usually like books but because of the school and preparation of my exams, there hasn’t been enough time for me to dig my head into one of many fantasy worlds created by words. Even though quite a time has passed I still remember a certain book I read.

It was again another novel but this time it was about ancient Greece and its mythology. I usually don’t give much attention to which god is who in Greek mythology however, the story itself attracted my attention. I was in a bookstore near my house looking for new books to read before school. I walked around the shelves filled with many books for all ages. Then I saw the book named “The Daughter of Sparta” I read the back of the book to get a certain idea about the plot and it was pretty interesting. I took a picture of it so I wouldn’t forget it when buying all the books I’d chosen online.

The plot of the book was set in ancient Sparta and Olympus (known to be the realm of Greek gods). The main character had the same name as mine so I felt closer to her more than the other characters. She wasn’t spartan so other natives were neglecting her. To gain glory and worth she attended a competition which was set to determine if the year would be productive or not. While in the competition Daphne (the main character) met with Artemis who turned her brother into a deer and told Daphne to save Olympus from the hands of an evil goddess with her brother Apollon, the god of the sun. The book told the adventures of Daphne and Apollon with a slight drama. There were lots of action scenes filled with gore which made the book stick to my hands.

The thing about the book I loved the most was the character development of both Daphne and Apollon. At first, they hated each other, and then over time they got closer. Daphne changed her mind about the gods being merciless and Apollon learned that not all mortals were weak. I searched if the book had a second chapter because the ending was left with a cliffhanger. Turns out it was a trilogy however the other two books of it haven’t come to Turkey. I’ll be looking forward to buying those ones as well and I highly recommend the book if you like Greek mythology filled with action, drama and violence.

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