Football Match

Recently, our school football team entered a match. This match organized by the TFF to increase the interest of the public and students to football. Our team was really happy to have the chance to participate in this match. Our school football team coach İsmail started to prepare the players 2 months before the match. Every day they were doing 2 hour training. All of the players were really ambitious. They believed from the start that they will win the match. The prize of the match was a beautiful yellow cup.

The match day has arrived and students left the school with a 2 big and 1 small bus. In the small bus there were players, teachers and coachs. Everyone arrived the stadium called “Fenerbahce” which is the most beautiful stadium in the world. We took our places and started to shout and support our team with our voices. After 15 minutes, our team went out from their locker room and entered the football field. While this was happening, we shouted with all our strength. Our team and opponent team trained nearly 15 minutes and some photos were taken.

kupa maçı – Adam Eksik

The match started at 6 o’clock. Opponent team scored the first goal and the second goal in the first half. We started to shout: Come on team, come on team, it’s time to come back. Our team scored 1 goal at the end of the first half and the score was 1-2, they were winning. First half ended and both teams left the field. They took a 15 minute rest and came back.The second half whistle blew and second half started. We scored our second goal at 67th minute and they scored their third goal at 70th minute. We should score at least 2 goal to win. Time passed and we were at 87th minute, our team took the ball and everyone started to sprint like they never win. Someone hit the ball and we scored a goal. The score was equal,     3-3. Referee decided at least 3 minute extension and we scored a goal at 90+2. We won the match…

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