A Lucky Day

“Hi, I’m an artist. Today was my lucky day. Let me tell you why. Normally, I wake up, eat breakfast, and go to art galleries to try to get my work displayed. I’ve tried it a million times, but they didn’t let me inside galleries or art competitions, and my paintings didn’t sell. Sometimes I cry all night for this reason.

But yesterday, I got another idea to sell my paintings. I went out, and some people let me draw them, so I made money from it. The interesting part is coming now. Suddenly, I saw a famous artist, and she wanted me to draw her. After she saw the painting, she invited me to her home. We went there, had lunch, and then she gave me some beautiful clothes, did my makeup, and we went to an art competition. The competition started, and all the artists showcased their abilities. Later, the grand jury announced that I was in the final. But I thought I couldn’t win it. At the end of the competition, everyone was quite excited. Then the jury announced the winner. They said my name. I was shocked and so happy; I also won a prize. Now, everyone knows me, and I’m a famous artist. And I’ll tell you something: ”Never quit your work.



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