Imagine a world, a world where anything and everything is possible and imagination is eternal, however the gates to this world only make themselves visible only in the night and sometimes during the day as well. This little world can always be around, it’s like you can put it in a small pocket and carry it with you anywhere and you don’t even have to hold it. Wouldn’t it be amazing? Also, what if I tell you that I can also actually enter that world during the night, and I will be telling you all about how I spent one of the days in that magical and beautiful world. Before telling the story, I would also like to mention that every time you enter this world you encounter with a different scenario in which you kind of watch everything unfold. So let me start the story, it was a beautiful sunny day and I was just lying down in my king size bed when I heard a knock on my door, I opened and saw that it was a package which I didn’t even remember ordering, I was kind of shocked by the fact that an unknown package was standing in front of my door but I took it anyway and as I opened it I could see the golden paint shining through the covers of the cardboard, and when I finished opening the package, I found a tiny glowing door inside. It looked like it was painted with gold. When I touched it, everything changed. I wasn’t in my room anymore. It was nighttime, and the sky was filled with pretty colors. Floating islands with different plants and creatures surrounded me. The air felt nice, and I could hear stories in the wind. It was like stepping into a magical world. And then the morning came and my time in the magical world was over. And lastly what if I tell you that everything, I talk about was just called dreaming and you have actually experienced it too…
Magical World
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