Olivia’s Family

One day, there was a family living in a well-known town in France and they had a daughter named Olivia. This family had a feature that differentiated it from other families in the town. In fact, the biggest reason why the town became known was this family

In this town, there is a woman who gives different features to only one person in this family every year. Not everyone can see this woman, not everyone can hear this woman, and not everyone can talk to this woman. But only everyone in this family could contact these white, bright, beautiful-faced, common-skinned women.

Last year, Olivia’s older sister acquired a trait, the year before that, Olivia’s male cousin acquired a trait, and maybe 4-5 years ago, another young person from this family acquired a trait by this woman. The features that the members of this family received were teleportation, invisibility and finally the ability to read minds. But Olivia hadn’t received any features yet. Olivia didn’t believe there was such a thing before, and she couldn’t see anyone using these features. Only upon his mother’s wishes, he would try to believe sincerely for the first time for his birthday tomorrow.

And  when finally that day came, Olivia and her family made their final preparations for their birthday celebrations. After exactly an hour, they finished everything and started waiting for the guests. One by one, the guests came to the garden of this small house in the town and placed their gifts next to the table. Now it was time to blow the cake. Olivia made a sincere wish to be given this year’s special power and blew her cake with excitement. Suddenly time stopped, everyone fell silent and only Olivia could move. Olivia was confronted by the beautiful white-haired woman who gave her her special power. The woman told Olivia what her special power was and left. Everything suddenly returned to the way it was before, and Olivia now had the ability to move through time. Olivia shocked first and then excitedly told this to her family and said “Whatever happened, it happened when i blew out the candles…”






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