What We Have Owns Us

What is our life sole purpose? In nearly every single philosophical discussion a form of this important question is asked. Tell me is your life’s sole purpose is to live in a bigger box a faster or more comfortable way of transportation or does your life even has a purpose.

Every single day we wake in the mission of something, unfortunately most of our names will be forgotten after just a mere 200 years and that’s me being an optimist even worse we won’t matter after just 10 years only our close family mattering about us till then. We will not matter 15 days after our funereal to the people we knew. But I am not trying to be pessimistic here I am only a realist I am only trying to make you understand what is the thing that makes you get up in the morning.

Most people just try to get more material possessions in this finite world. You can see them in every part of your life even you could be them. For example here is the life of a typical man: Try to get good grades, work for a job that pays you not enough that you don’t even like, marry someone to have a kind of romantic life for around 2 years than work harder for a bigger house, work harder for a bigger car, have a child grow that child work harder for the child’s education, wait until child graduates, wait until your child marries, wait until you have grandkids than wait until you die. If you were to inspect this life you could very easily see that the man never stopped and asked himself do, I really want a bigger box, do I really want to study? The man just made some materials his life’s purpose, you could say that the man did all of them for his family but this doesn’t take away from my point.

In life you should never be okay with what you have but you should be able to feel gratification from those things. Because do you really think that you will fill completed when you can afford a couple more cars for your family or for yourself. If you are honest with yourself your answer will be “no”. If you want any examples look around you, you will see people who have wasted their lives for money just so they could run away from what they truly wanted.

You have probably heard of Marcus Aurelius he was a great emperor of Rome he had a notebook that he would study on his own thoughts. He did a thing called “Gratification Journaling” basically he wrote things that he was grateful for what do you think he wrote in that book? “I love my palace and my servants who don’t disobey me” no he instead wrote “I love being able to see the sun when I wake up it is truly great that I was able to hug my family today” Even he as an emperor understood that if he lets things be the purpose of his life he would fall.

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