Out Of Candle

Once upon a time, an old man lived in a small village. Every evening, he would light candles and watch them burn silently. He loved it so much that he got used to relieving his stress and problems through this ritual. One day, the old man’s grandson blew out the candles with him. Even though the old man was angry at his grandson, he apologized, promising never to do it again. But he and his grandson continued to blow out candles every night, every month, every year…

Then, something different happened. The old man blew out a candle, and at that moment, he heard a little sound coming from the garden – it was on fire. The old man tried to get some buckets of water to stop the fire. He tried, and at least the fire was under control. The entire village was watching him and his grandson. The whole village saw the old man’s bravery. His grandson was really impressed. About two days after this incident, the grandson came to visit his grandfather, and they had a little chat about this experience. Finally, after that day, the old man’s grandson started putting out the candle instead of blowing it. The old man became really happy because of his performance. He believed that his grandchild could be a leader – a truly brave leader.

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