Hello, I don't know what your background has been like so far, but everyone has said 'This is the most beautiful 
thing I've ever seen' at least once in their life. Yes, it happened to me too. Frankly, most of the things 
we see may seem beautiful to our eyes. For example: If you go somewhere and like that place very much, you 
can say 'This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen', for some reason. Saying this sentence at that 
moment makes you happy, doesn't it? I was around 7 years old when I first said this sentence, and at that moment 
I felt like the happiest person in the world. Also, I feel like uttering this sentence carries some meanings. 
To give an example of some of the emotions I feel, knowing the value of the opportunities you have, I can feel 
some innocent emotions such as joy and emotion. For some reason, when adults use this sentence, it makes me 
receive a great feeling of happiness as a gift. I still don't know why. But I think some meaningful sentences, 
including this sentence, help reinforce emotions. Even though it's not a gift, it's a nice feeling
Frankly, it gives softness.
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