In this world, many young people are constantly watching movies and TV series on TV. But is this healthy? Let’s take a look:


Positive aspects;

1) Generating ideas. New ideas can be generated from some movies and TV series. These ideas can inspire young people who want to become writers.

2) Developing imagination. Imaginary events in movies and TV series can change our view of the world for the better.

3) Learning a lesson. The thoughts we understand from movies and TV series can teach us a lesson and correct our behavior. Apart from that, it can be useful in our social life.


Negative aspects;

1) Closing to the outside world. Movies and TV series can restrict our social mass. Maybe what we watch can give us social fear.

2) Eye impairment. Exposure to too much blue light can damage our eyes. It can also cause problems such as dizziness and terrible headaches.

3) Creating addiction. Watching too many movies and TV series can make us addicted. Because of this, we can’t stop watching even if we want to.


Considering these points, movies and TV series should be watched in a middle way, both watching and not watching. Therefore, restrictions should be set, age-appropriate content should be selected. And they should not be watched all the time. Do you think there are other items that could be added?

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