Story Telling.Text title on film slate and old book on wooden background.

The Most Beautiful Thing I’ve Ever Seen

It was a late-night Thursday. I heard a strange knocking at my door. It was very hesitant and gentle. I slowly approached the door scaring from the fact that they were after me. I carefully opened the door and peeked. And it was there, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. It stared at me with blank eyes and said “You look lonely, I can fix that.”. At first, I thought of this as a joke. How did this perfect woman know that I was alone? “I think you got the wrong house miss.” I then tried to shut the door but she didn’t let me. “Do not be alarmed, not afeard. I only want to make you feel better.” I just couldn’t talk. She looked so innocent and pure. After that I let my intrusive thoughts win and let her in. What could possibly happen? She took off her coat and went to the living room. “I’d like some tea.” she said. I went to the kitchen and started preparing my weird guest her cup of tea. I tried to make it as good as possible with my shitty kettle. When it was ready, I poured it into a cup and took it to her. When I entered the room, I felt a chilling mist. I never felt like this before in my entire life. It was both scary and horrifying at the same time. But it didn’t matter. I gave her the cup of tea and sat down. We talked about simple things at first. Then I asked her how did she found my house. She didn’t say a word. Just stared me dead in the eye and said,” What a fool you are. You can still trust somebody after that.”. She jumped over and tackled me, pulled out a frozen dagger and stabbed it into my chest. While I was fighting for my life, she said to me very calmly “You made me do this”

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