Working Without an Office

Working at home instead of the office is becoming common nowadays and people think that working at the office will become a past thing. Maybe it will come true but we cannot say this situation is certain. Because like working at home has many advantages, there are also many disadvantages. If we ignore these disadvantages, they will be a bigger problem in the future. So before making this true, we should see and think about what may happen after most people start working at home instead of in the office. We need to think about all the pros and cons as we can. 

First, I want to tell that why we can start working at home. The biggest reason for that is most of our jobs would become easier. Working at home can help doing things quickly. When we are working at the office and we need to do something, we have to do several things and maybe we will go to different places to do that but at home, your office becomes online so we won’t have to go from one place to another to do so it made it the thing done more easily. Another advantage is that you dont have to go to another place to work. It means you can reach your office faster and you mustnt reach anywhere. The last one I will say is if we use technology frequently, our chances of using technology will improve because we can have more ideas to improve the technology faster if we use it often. And working at home means that we need to use technology more often. When I think about the cons of it, I first think about that if we work at home all the time, we move less than we should. Moving is necessary for our life and of course, we need to move every day. But if we move less, our body will become lazier and it makes it difficult to do things easily. It may happen to health problems in the future too. The other disadvantage is we see less our workmates if we work at home. It will make socializing harder with people. And we need to use the internet all of the time if we work at home. It is also a disadvantage because sometimes people can have internet problems, we can’t work if there is an internet problem.

So, people can decide if they can work at home more easily than in the office or not but I think it’s not for everyone. All people have different problems so it depends on their occupations and themselves.

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