A Dream That I Can’t Forget

Everyone experiences dreams while sleeping, but there are certain dreams that remain unforgettable. One such dream that lingers vividly in my memory occurred on a scorching summer day. With no school or homework, I spent my time leisurely—napping, eating, and chatting with friends. During our conversation, one friend mentioned the year-end exam all 8th graders were set to take. To my surprise, they claimed the exam had been canceled due to the new minister of education.

Initially skeptical due to my friend’s tendency to make jests, I decided to investigate, only to discover that it was indeed true! This revelation led me to ponder how everyone would then enter high school. I speculated that each school might conduct its own exam, and as it turned out, that was the case. This notion became a frequent topic of discussion among my friends and me, something we contemplated every day.

The prospect excited me greatly, but upon awakening, I realized with disappointment that it was merely a dream.

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