Bomb Attack

One summer day it was a great weather in outside. Everyone is verry happy. They go to picnic and have a great time with their friends and family.

Than I saw a family. The group was very crowded. When I looked through the window, the whole family was sitting around the table, eating and talking. All of a sudden I think the mother of the family got a telephone. Than she started to cry and shouting. Everyone got shocked and panic. After I went to garden to learn what happened. There are a lot of people and they go to the picnic table that where family is sitting.

I ask one girl. She said that: ”The family is famous they are Graham family they have holdings and one of these got bombed.” When I heard Graham I told that they are my family friend. About a 20 minutes my phone started to ring. It is my dad. He says Graham family holding got bombed. I explain all of what happened in garden. Actually, my dad works with them so we will affect this situation too. After an hour, I got to the holding. It is a great that it is not a big attack. Polices are lookşng for and searching who did that. We have some ideas and tell them. I go to Mister Graham office. We talk a little time. He said ”It is good to affect little. But of course we have some losts.” Hopefully in one month we close this losts and start a new page. Of course criminals are found by the polices. They are our big enemy and in rival holding they wanted to win next tender and scared of us. On the other hand, they want to learn our next work and what we will going to do, which companies are we goinf to make a deal. But they cant. Because some people saw them and call the police early so that they couldnt give huge damage.

Finally, we won the tender. We go to that park and celebrate this wining. I hope in next years we are going well and take better tenders with our holding.

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