Changing Places With Parents

If I imagine myself changing places with my mom and my dad , I would clearly see the challanges that they face. My mom is pharmacy. My dad is doctor. Sometimes my dad stay at all night. My mom travels a lot.

If ı change place with my mom I need to start day early.Because she always wakes up my sister and prepare breakfast for her. when I wake up early I feel tired and I can’t concantrate day. Even from here it becomes clear how hard it will be for me. Now I put myself in my mother’s shoes. After I wake up I need to wake up my little child. Whenmy child wake up, I make breakfast for her. After she finish her breakfast she start to prepare school. She wear her school uniform and we go our garage. After I drop her to school, I go my company. Sometimes I work there less than usual. But sometimes I work there much more than usual. I’m going home after I’m done. When I arrive home I preparing tomorrow’s dinner.

If I change place with my father I have a chaotic lifestyle. I need to live alone in Izmir. Some days ı need to work all day but some days I don’t work. In special days I’m getting permission from my boss to go near my childs. Since my parents are also in Ankara, we go to my mother’s with my children.

When I was in my mom and dad’s place, I realized how hard their jobs really were. If I were them I would tell us we have to work hard

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