Care The Shake

Earthquakes is one  of the biggest problems in the World.For some of the countries thats not a problem but for us or the countries which is not prepared to earthquake that will turn into a huge disaster.

But we need to do something.Not only us goverment had to do something too.But is the only solution is auditing?Or without auditing,is the main solution is education?For me,the answer is yes.Because education is not only about grades.If you have good education they have to teach you how to be a mercyful person.They have to teac you about your laws and others laws.You have to understand the rule of living.They have to teach you morality.That is an example of taking good education.Goverment is growing unmorality people which they can do everything for Money.After they grow up the only specific thing they care about is Money.So i cant judgethe specific peoples which made the buildings.For the strong buildings,we need strong brains first.Ofcourse there are a lot of reasons for disasters but the education is the main reason.Earthquakes which shake Turkey,98 percent of the building collapse due to materials.1 percent of them collapse due to position and 1 percent of them collapse due to fugitive floors.Can you imagine the education problem in the country.For an example Japan suffering with one of the biggest earthquakes in the World.But they deal with it so easily.We have to copy them but we are only thinking Money.But we are only thinking about Money becaouse peoples having hard times taking care about ecenomy,taking care about their families.There is no easy food fort he employees.So there is a problem about the goverment too.But we can fix the goverment problems with only voting.I dont want to talk about govermental issiues because our topic is different.

So there is so many different reasons but i think that we can build strong buildings with good education and that time goverment do not have to audute can only work with the peoples which have a a good education,which have been teached morality.

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