Cloning: Pros and Cons

First of all, what is clones?

Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. Their DNA is identical.

Clones can happen naturally—identical twins are just one of many examples. Or they can be made in the lab. Below, find out how natural identical twins are similar to and different from clones made through modern cloning technologies.

Cloning has mostly been a hot topic in the science community regarding its nature. It has its pros and cons.

As many organisms in the planet approach endangerment and extinction, cloning appears to be a possible solution to restore populations. By utilizing the genetic material of already dead organisms, cloning can even expand gene pool diversity.

Another major advantage of cloning is that it can serve as a means to increase agricultural production, particularly livestock.

Due to any reason, if there is a need for an organ transplant, Cloning can be counted as a saviour process, especially in cases where an organ is not available.

Cloning would enable same-gender couples to conceive a baby who was genetically their own as compared to using semen or egg banks to produce an embryo that could have been carried to term.

Despite its good looking nature it also has cons.

One of the strongest arguments against cloning is about its ethical concerns. Aside from the idea of manipulating living organisms, critics say that the mere process of clone production requires the exploitation of life.

Despite being genetically identical with each other, clones will not be the same regarding behavioral attributes. Aside from that, their similarities regarding physical appearance are not guaranteed.

To date, many scientists will agree that the process of cloning is not yet fully developed to be used as a way to promote the conservation of species.

Since there is always a chance that cloning technology will be misused, researchers should make every effort to keep it under constant observation. The truth is that there is always someone looking to take advantage of such technology, and many believe that the only way to avoid this situation is to not even consider cloning.

In conclusion, despite cloning looking like a good thing, I believe until there is no solution left, it shouldn’t happen.


References: (2023, March 26). Top 7 Pros and Cons of Cloning. Bio Explorer.



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