Scary Home

There were about 12 people in the house where I lived, including the servants. The eldest of the family, grandmother was 93 years old, father and mother were 68 years old. There was also a husband and wife at home. Every day at dinner, the grandmother used to sit at the head and rule everyone. As for me, I am a painting in the dining room. I’ve seen incredible events in this house. I’m just going to tell you one of them. One day, Mr. Peter, one of the couples we call husband and wife, came home late. He was drunk because he had some drink with his friends. Before he came, the lady had argued with Mary, and when she got home she was so drunk that she suddenly shouted at Mary that she didn’t love you. This really got to Mary and she cried all night. And the dinner table, which everyone was afraid of, was gathered. The father knew about the incident. Grandma looked at Peter at dinner, then at Mary. While waiting for everyone to get angry, he said, “There is no resentment between husband and wife. Please make peace. This is my only wish.” This speech really affected everyone. They never separated as husband and wife and lived happily ever after.

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