Saving Lives by Engineering or by being a Doctor

“Would you rather be a successful engineer and break new ground in technology with new inventions or become a successful doctor and touch human life?” I believe both of these have their reasons to be picked so before i decide on anything an evaluation of these outcomes would be great. Lives could both be saved by being a doctor and by being a engineer who keeps up with technology. If there are such cases which need medical healthcare but the regions are unreachable, a new technology could save millions of lives. For an example, there in an insane amount of isolated tribes in the African region and most of the people there are more prone to suffer from a disease because they maintain their healthcare by old custom ways, like making potions or mixing various herbs, for a cure for the illness. However, if there was such technology which was both small and affordable, but also accurate and affective in making a diagnosis, can you imagine how many souls could be saved from suffering and dying?

Though i think that becoming a successful doctor is also very beneficial, there should be more focus on engineering too. Doctors and engineers should work together in order to invent the best machines, taking into account each outcome, consequence as well. If such machinery should be built, those doctors should have basic engineering knowledge. For instance, a doctor in Sweden developed a device which possibly diagnosed a patient in a deserted area, as mentioned before, African tribes. This invention was very impressive for the century because it may even tell if you have a risk of cancer or not, by a basic breathing algorithm. The device both measures blood levels and checks breath, which is how it states the possible diagnosis of the patient.

Regarding this information, i would definitely consider being

an engineer. Many people think that it is a profession for making car parts but what the majority isn’t aware of is the fact that they do everything to please humans beings, even by building cars. Being a doctor is fine, but you can only save those lives which are came as an opportunity to you. However, with a universal device which reaches many “forgotten” parts of the country, you can save lives that you didn’t even know existed. I would definitely spend all of those years studying engineering instead of human anatomy.

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