Are Animals Your Toy?

The animals are not your toy you can’t use for medicine but the most people don’t know that.When you use the medicines for animals you’re wrong don’t do that please don’t.What would you do if the same happened to you? What would you do? I ask you, those who experiment on animals.You don’t have any answers,right?Those animals have lifeI think such experiments should be banned.Do you think like that? That needles, medicines, venoms.I can’t think of them, their screams while suffering…  It’s bad right ?I recommend you to watch this movie;The ralph but don’t watch people who will get emotional because they can get emotional as soon as they start the movie.I am saying again don’t do this.The consequences would be very bad.we can’t do anything…we can’t stop people people are killing all living things just to make money. Torturing them in order to find new medicines and solve problems.

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