Drug testing on living animals before utilizing them on people has long been a contentious topic. While some people contend that animal testing is required to guarantee the security and effectiveness of novel medications, others claim that it is immoral and barbaric. I’ll go into more detail about my feelings towards drug testing on living animals in the paragraphs that follow. 

 The benefit of ensuring the safety of the treatment before it is administered to humans is one of the main justifications for drug testing on animals. Before a drug is given to individuals, it is crucial to assess its toxicity and potential adverse effects. The development of numerous life-saving technologies has greatly benefited from the use of animals in drug testing.  

On the other hand, animal testing raises ethical concerns as it involves causing pain and suffering to animals. Animals used in laboratories are often subjected to invasive procedures, such as surgery and injections, which can cause pain and distress. They are also kept in confined spaces, deprived of food and water, and subjected to other forms of stress that are not natural to their habitats. These conditions are not only inhumane but also raise questions about the validity of the results obtained from animal testing. Moreover, it is difficult to justify the use of animals for testing when there are other alternatives available, such as in vitro testing and computer modeling. 

In my opinion, animal testing should only be used as a last resort when no other alternatives are available. While I acknowledge the importance of animal testing in the development of new drugs, I also believe that we need to find alternative methods that do not involve causing harm to animals. Scientists should continue to explore alternative methods that are more ethical, such as computer modeling and in vitro testing, which can provide accurate results without the need for animal testing. 

In conclusion, the use of live animals in drug testing is a complex issue that raises both ethical and practical concerns. While animal testing has played a crucial role in the development of many life-saving drugs, it is also important to find more ethical and effective methods to test new drugs. We need to work on alternative technics to testing medicines and drugs because other ways are harmful for animals. 

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