Reflections of The Future

At some point of our life,we need to make decisions that will change your life.We may change our life style,maybe your mindset,maybe habits or routine.This decision maybe about our school,about family or career.We all need to make decisions for our future life.If someone ask me what do you want to be in your future,I’d say to be an engineer and push the limits of technology rather than being a doctor,engerineering is limitless.

The most important job in the future will be engineering. thanks to engineering, humans have improved in many areas and humanity has modernized, but we are still not develop enough.According to the Kardashev scale, the technological development of human civilization at 21st century is still half of type 1 civilization.I want to develop our world with technology.Technology is needed for humanity to evolve.Technology has limitless usage,as the humanity improve,technology taken place in everyone’s life with technology we can access internet we can use technological devices .Technology gives us more opportunity.Thanks to technology, we can find places we haven’t reached before with a single click, we can easily call our relatives, talk to them face-to-face,thanks to technology,humanity find cures for deadly diseases,we are able to explore the depths of space,study the oceans and the creatures in them,understand how the minerals found on Earth are formed,we explore our world.Moreover we made artificial intelligence,well for some people technology is priceless,they think it’s useful,but for some others,they think that technology will take over and control our lives,they think,artificial intelligence is dangerous and is a threat for humanity but it’s too early for these scenarios, the technology is still very new and needs to be developed more,sooner or later technology will take big place in our lives,with it’s impacts.

Although technology has a share in these, the share of engineers is something that cannot be ignored,that’s why I want to become an engineer and develop technology and bring humanity to its full potential.We need new technologies to explore more and more of our world and other planets,even the new galaxies or black holes and more,find how the planets are made,what are the substances in it,what life forms are there,how the whole universes are made,what happened before all these universes,what to have a clear picture of universe,of our world,find answers for the unknown.As Socrates said,fear arises from a lack of knowledge,people are afraid of what they do not know,we can illuminate this obscurity with technology.

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