The Art of Control The Crowd

Total population of human increases around the world by time and we cannot do anything about it. We can see too many big cities and unplanned buildings in the most of the big cities. It effects our health, environment, life standards etc. One of the most important issue is over mass of tourism.


With the increase of the general population around the world, tourist numbers are greatly increasing too. You can see a lot of foreigners in your touristic landmarks especially on holidays. The great mass of the tourist are creating some problems about touristic landmarks and it is hard to control that kind of a human group.


Huge populated areas of communities are always hard to control. As a result of it most of the high populated areas causes some demolition and damage to themselves and environment of them. They can push each other and cause injuries or they can push some of the objects around them and demolish them. The most important thing is they do not realise what did they do while doing it. So you cannot take any protection about it before. That is the horrifying side of the picture.


We can see the examples of these demolition and damage in real life easily. We saw some deaths and serious injuries in concerts. When we look that issue detailed. We can see that people do not realise their fault and the people that injured or died are lost in the crowd. You cannot make an action about it because you do not realise them either.


When we look at the high mass of tourist we can say that, some of the tourist groups can break the rules with making advantage of the crowd. They can damage the historical objects. They can enter the zones which they should not, they can take pictures of some historical object and they can do it with the help of the crowd.


I can say that, I would absolutely limit the number of tourist per tour. With the help of these rule, we can control people better and protect the historical sides really good. In the other hand, this limit should schedule the tourists program and as a result of it they just want to visit that sides at the specific time of their day. They will not do anything illegal because they will know that, that kind of actions would be a reason for them to ban from that historical site. As a result of it, they will not take that risk.


For conclusion, crowd is always hard to control and because of that miss in the control, people can damage around of them unwillingly. The only way of protect the environment from these kind of damages, make some limit to the number of people.

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