My Detective Career

Since my childhood my dream was being a detective who solves every single case. When you are just a child it sounds very cool, but the other side of medallion is quite traumatic. Unfortunately, I couldn’t imagine something else back then. I devoted my life for my detective career. I read all the books that includes real-life crimes, I watched films, I even had a theory wall. It was time to put my dreams on real life.

Today is sixteenth of January 2023, today is the day I get my very first case. They do not believe me because I just started to work but little they know is that it has been a long time since I started to work.  I went to crime scene, and everything was usual because as a normal detective I determined the crime scene and took my notes but then when I put my hand to my pocket, I felt something. I cannot lie I was frightened because while I was taking my notes my pocket was empty. How do I know? While I investigate, I always put my hands in my pocket and when I am done with everything, I write down my notes.

I took out the piece of paper in my pocket that said, “Call me now!”. On the crumpled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out. The only thing I could think of that I went crazy. Maybe the person who wrote the note is a suspect or an alliance. Later that day because I couldn’t sleep thinking of who might have been the person I couldn’t focused on my work. It is the worst that can happen to a new detective. I started to search the person like a crazy man. I looked to the matching handwritings in the data base, any piece of DNA on the paper etc. but in the end the only thing I found was nothing. I thought maybe it is time to share it with my co-workers. When I spilled the beans, they all started to laugh at my face. It was horrendous. Would you like to know the answer they gave to me? It was joke! They are unbelievable but there are still question marks such as how and when did they put that piece of paper in my pocket without me noticing. Perhaps they are ghosts, who knows.

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