Discomfort Becoming Our Bestfriend

We all have goals that we want to achive, dreams that we want to live don’t we? But most of us know that we won’t be able to achive big things if we do the same thing all over again. We have to try different things and step out of our comfort zone. This is an obligation.Thats the only way we can improve ourselves  while walking through our dreams.

There is a saying “ If you want success you need to struggle”. I completely agree with this statement. Because to achive your dream you need to become the person that can achive your dream. What I mean by saying this is you must have the qualities of your ideal person. For example you want to start a skin care brand and produce  skin care products. How will you produce and sell your products if you have no knowledge about human skin, chemicals, and marketing? Lets be realistic, you won’t be able to start at all. To gain the knowledge you need you should study, read, watch about your topic. You also need to learn a bit marketing too to sell your product effectively.To learn all of that information you have to work a lot. Thats why we struggle. A big part of this struggle that we need to talk about is money. If you don’t have money you can’t start a company. It’s that simple. Without a fund its impossible. I don’t say that  you should be rich to be successful. But money is an open door for many oppurtunities. What if you want to be a surgeon, would you thinks its impossible to become one without money? Well you shouldn’t. Because if you work  a lot and get good degrees in your exams you can get accepted from your dream collages and become a surgeon. Not going to lie here is massive amount of rich people that wasn’t born rich. Maybe it’s not about financials or career. If you just want to expand your social circle you need to put an effort into it and socialize. You can go outside more, meet new people, and make discomfort your bestfriend.

Change and chasing your goals are not easy but if you try and get used to discomfort you will be way more comfortable and happy that at least you tried.

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