It is almost christmas and we are preparing for it.The christmas is few days away and we had to do so many things.We should do things like putting the tree in the place,decorating the tree,groceries,preparing the house and much more.We will prepare the house today and work hard to finish it until christmas.

First we had to find a good tree.We get out and searching for a good tree to buy.We are trying find a good tree but there wasnt even a tree it is probarly because everybody bought the best trees and there were no good trees left to buy.We ere going home empty-hand while we are going we saw a guy trying to sell a tree.We looked at the tree and tree was okay and we decided to buy the tree.Now we got the tree we can go get the buy the decors.We saw some decors while we were searching for a tree we tried to find the store that we saw the decors.We searched it and finally found the store we buyed the decors and headed way back to home.When we get back to home we start decoreting the home quickly.We put the tree in place and decorate it with different decorations.Then we start  decorating the house.First we put the new year lights in front of the house and decorate the garden.İt looked beatiful.İt is finally over now we just need to wait for the day.It is the evening that we prepared for and now we were counting down 10,9,8,7… it was only seconds before the new year.And,just than the electricity went down and it was all dark.The problem was it wasnt only our house it was the whole town.Because of a electricity shortage the whole town entered the new year dark.After few minutes the electricity came back.But it was already new year.It was late.

But some people started to celebrate even it is late for it.But slowly everyone starts to celebrate the new year and we joined them too.With the town we clebrate the new year together.

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