The Screen Inside Us

Have you ever considered what influences and directs a person’s life? Is it based on what we see, hear, or  told? Everything we perceive with our five senses, in my opinion, affects us. The main reason for this is that humans are creatures that are constantly changing, from the moment we are born until the moment we die.

A story our mother read to us as children, a lullaby we listen to, or a cartoon we watch has an impact on us and helps us develop our imagination. The heroes in the cartoons we watched as kids showed us the right path. Fairy tale heroes have always taught us to be good people and to help those in need. When we grow up, movies replace cartoons. The leading actors in films and their life stories have an impact on us, making us laugh, cry, and even think. A movie sentence or scene can even change someone’s life. It makes us evaluate ourselves. Because movies are like a mirror that reflects reality. Everyone has had at least one film that has influenced them in their lives. In fact, we have heard the phrase “I watched a movie, my life has changed” from most people.Sektör temsilcilerinin talebi ile 1 Temmuz'da açılacak sinema salonları Oscar'lı filmler için hazırlanıyor

According to studies, people watch more than 78 thousand televisions in their lifetime. Movies account for a sizable portion of this rate. People watch an average of 3629 movies in cinemas and on television during their lifetime, so it is expected that these films will have a significant impact on us. Another aspect of movies that impresses people is the music. Yes, it may appear to be a simple example, but at the University of California, Prof. A scientific study led by a group of researchers led by Daniel Blumstein examined the music and sound effects used in 102 of the most popular movies of all time. It was also discovered that the most popular horror films contain female cries and the most popular adventure movies have male cries Another feature of the most popular horror movies’ sound effects was the sudden changes in the sound waves of the sound effects and the soundtrack.

To round things out sometimes a movie tells the story of a life, and sometimes a life becomes a movie. It is entirely up to us…

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