Conveniences or Friends?

As teenengers who live in big cities, our life mostly based on money.  Like our transportation , education , even the food but, there is also a lot of things we can do without money. The rural areas are better places if we do not want to spend money. We can plant our vegetables and fruits which is ideal because it is organic and healthier and also fun. If we come to cities we can not plant our vegetables we can only buy it. However, we can buy organic thing from markets but we still spend money there soe of thing that we can do without spending any money in cities.

First of all, transportation walking is the best but it is not always posible if we are going to somewhere far. Bicycle is our second option it is more useful than walking because you can go farer places but it is not enough this is all we got.

Food, food is our biggest problem we can not find free food  outside do we need to bring it from home or we can ask our friend whether they can share their food.

Education, there are lots of public schools in Turkiye but is the education is enough? Especially in English. It is not enough. Not just English there diffrences in other lessons to why they are not taking the education they deserve ? Because they are going to public school that is not fair.

We can spend time outside without spending money. I personally love walking dog, visiting shelters maybe sitting on a bank and just talking with a friend . In winter we can play snow , we can play voleyball or football or any kind of sports.  We can go for a picnic with our family.

I am trying to say that we can spend really good time without spending money yes money is important for livimg but we should not put it in the middle of our life. There is more important things like our friends our family we need to focus on them. We should not focus on money.


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