The Path to Success

Have you ever wondered how important people became important? You might be thinking they must have had a good start in life which later lead to their success. Well, you’re not completely wrong. But is that always the case? Fyodor Dostoevsky: 25 Basic Rules of Life

One of the most successful novelists of all time, Fyodor Dostoevsky , had many traumatic experiences. The most important one which also had a big influence on his novels was his father’s death. Dostoevsky lost his father at the age of 18.  40 years after Dostoevsky’s death, it was revealed that Mikhail Andreevich Dostoyevsky was murdered by his own serfs. Of course, his family didn’t know that at the time so the sudden death of Mikhail shocked Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky was already interested in literature and with his father’s death being the final push he devoted himself to writing novels. After spending 2 years in the army, Dostoevsky launched his literary career with “Poor Folk” which was an immediate success. After the publication of “Poor Folk ” and many literary achievements, Dostoevsky found himself involved in politics. He published many articles concerning political questions knowing full well that they were illegal. Dostoevsky and his friends faced the consequences sooner than expected and were immediately sent to prison. 9 months later after their last trial a number of them including Dostoevsky was found guilty and sentenced to be executed. This was only done to teach them a lesson so they never got executed. Dostoevsky continued his life as a successful novelist and died in February 9, 1881 because of a lung disorder.

Despite not having a good start in life Dostoevsky managed to get the best of everything in his life and became a very important person. So let’s think about the question again. How do important people become important? The answer is very simple. The refuse to give up. While the quality of your life may affect your future it doesn’t determine your future. Believe it or not, you might make a huge change in history and become very famous one day. So nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself. Dostoevsky was an ordinary kid with an ordinary life once so what’s stopping you from becoming as important as him?

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