I Wish I was Invisible

I personally would love to be invisible. Imagine if someone hits you from behind and you don’t see it, you don’t realize it can be very fun and a little scary, but it’s still exciting, and I wouldn’t be able to lie if I were invisible because most likely I could sin sometimes, but sometimes I would also do good deeds because someone suddenly has the power to become invisible, and meanwhile, nobody uses it for good, for example, the man in the green mask wears a mask and this mask gives the man power, of course, he uses it not for good first, but for evil later on, he uses it for good. If I were invisible, the first thing I would do would be to troll people because as soon as I got it, I would start to show off like this, then I would consider myself superior to other people, but we all know that this is wrong and we will learn to control these powers over time, but if we have the power, we do not have such a special power, we are all human. We are all equal.

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