
It was just a normal autumn morning; I woke up with a cold shaking body. When I left the bed, I was nearly unconscious, because I was still sleepy and hungry. I walked to the bathroom with silent and unwanted steps. I looked in the mirror, and I was shocked. Then I accept the truth even though I whisper, “Who is this man?” to myself. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and left the bathroom. Even though something deep inside me was asking the same disturbing question repeatedly. I went to the kitchen hoping there was something to eat in the fridge. I opened the fridge and there were some leftovers from yesterday’s party. I took them out and put them on the stove and heated them. When they started to get nice and warm, I took them out. Only had a slice of pizza and two doughnuts, and I ate them with my cold trembling hands. That felt great as I ate something nice and warm on a cool autumn morning. After finishing my breakfast, I got dressed and went outside.

When I closed the door, I felt the gentle coldness of the weather on my cheeks. Then I front to the north which is the way to the park. The streets were empty which was creating a feeling of looniness inside me. I walked through the sidewalk till I arrived at the park. After that, I took a deep breath and get relaxed but when I looked around, I was terrified. Just about a meter above me, there was a creature I had never seen in my life. It was like a cockroach, on the other hand, it was as big as a grown human. It didn’t seem to it was not seen me yet, so silently I started to examine it. It was as big as a human but also it had 2 pairs of wings and a brown-yellow kind of material that covers its whole body it was that much disgusting that when I saw it I directly wanted to smash it with my feet. While I was examining the creature it turned around and looked me in eyes. I just shouted, “Don’t… don’t budge an inch!”. The creature replied to me; “Why are you that terrified of me? When I and my brothers were small you used to smash us with your disgusting slip.”, “Don’t be afraid I am just going to do the same to you!”.

I woke up with screams from my nightmare. That felt real. At least it was just a dream. What if it was real, then it would be worse. Then I went to the bathroom, washed my face and looked in the mirror; I was getting older and older. After that, I heard a falling voice of an object. I immediately turned around and saw the human-like cockroach watching me.





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