What is happening? I hear voices… what.. WHERE AM I? It smells awful! Oh no. I guess I am in a dream again. *pinch* AH! That really hurt. Wait, it hurt? I AM NOT DREAMING! Internet doesn’t work. I see pictures of.. DEAD PEOPLE? And maps of Africa. What does this all mean? *step* WOW! That did so much noise. It’s also a little bit wet. I WAS AT MY HOUSE BEFORE I SLEPT! I am panicking now. *crack* WHAT WAS THAT? I heard a cracking noise. Wait a second, was there always a door there? No, this HAS TO BE a dream. Nothing to do, let’s open the door. *door opens* Ew. Even smellier waste. *breathe* My breathing does so much noise! *W A K E U P.* I am going crazy. Wait, there is.. A DEAD BODY WITH LOTS OF BLOOD? I am in danger. *roar* No. There is another door. I am not going to open that. *opens itself* …
“VICTIM FOUND.” WHAT? AM I THE VICTIM? *tries to run awa-* another creature. (My heart is beating at a rapid speed, my nose is almost decomposed.) I hear screams. *a vent opens.* My only way to escape. JJJUMMMPPEDDDD and.. YES! I MADE IT. I have to sneak. *sneaks for 2 minutes* Finally, there is an opening. I HAVE TO RUN. RRRRUUUU- “Do NOT take another step. There is enough radiation to kill a human in a milisecond.” Who are you? “I am like you . I was here when I woke up five years ago.” YOU ARE STILL HERE? “Yes. You are safe from the creatures but be careful. Here is the escape.” Why didn’t you escape then? And why did we wake up here? “I don’t know why we are here, but I didn’t escape because I wanted to help people like you. We are in deep depths of West Africa.” That explains the maps. I have to book a flight to Miami again. Goodbye, friend. “Goodbye, victim.” A noise came before I went to the airplane. “VICTIM ESCAPED.”
One Breath Away From Death
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