No Internet for a Whole Day!


My mother was calling me, I couldn’t belive it but it was already time to wake up. She was crying that It was 10.15 and you were late for school, I never understood how this happened, because I checked my alarm three times before I went to bed, anyway, I  got out of bed quickly, got ready and went to school. I was shocked when I went to classroom because there were only five in the class. “Ok!”, I said, normally none of us a punctual but we were never that much late. When our teacher came in the classroom, we couldn’t start the lesson because the board wasn’t even working. At the end of the third lesson, by the way, I came in the second lesson, we learned from our friends  that there was no internet connection all around the country. So we did our tests for the whole day. When we got home in the evening, the situation was not much different, we neither watched movies, nor talked to our friends on skype. My mother seemed to be the only one who wasn’t affected by this situation, and when I told her, she just laughed and said, “When we were kids, there was no internet, no phone, no tablet, so we always had to keep ourselves busy somehow.”

This particular afternoon was the best time ever, let me tell you what we did. We have sufficient box games to keep us on our internet-free day. First of all, we laid all my box games on a table and played one by one, then my mother told me about my childhood stories which I love to hear again and again, we asked each other riddles, we cooked together, we had lots of fun all afternoon like the days I had no phone. What I realized that I went to bed, I felt happier than yesterday.

I gave a big hug and kiss to my mum and we promised each other to spend much time together everyday. I had a feeling as if  a magical hand touched us and made the day much more beautiful than the others!

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