Academic Effect of Family Environment on Children

A significant difference was found between the number of siblings and the school success of the students. According to this, students living in families with many children and those living in families with few children have lower school achievements.
The fact that parents are deprived and not knowledgeable enough about how to educate their children is an important factor in failure.

The higher the education level of the parents, the higher the success level of the student. Well-educated parents can establish good relations with their children and increase their motivation for success. The low level of education of the parents makes the family environment unsuitable for education and adversely affects the development of the children. The atmosphere at home is associated with the child’s school success. Conversational environments of parents with each other and with the child provide the development of language and thought in the child. Communication between parents and children is insufficient in families with low socio-economic status. Parents rarely talk to each other about current social events and the child is not allowed to interfere. The level of interest of parents about their children’s situation at school is related to the success of the child. It is seen that the parents at the lower socio-economic level have low communication with the school, do not usually request to meet with the teacher, come to the parent meetings with the force of the teacher, and are passive in the meetings and insufficient to find solutions to the problems. A similar situation is seen in the parents of unsuccessful students from the middle socio-economic level.

The family’s opportunity to participate in social activities, the diversity of social life, knowledge and skills, and the attitudes and behaviors of parents are also effective in increasing children’s school success. Parental behaviors that lead to restraint and restraint negatively affect the child’s sense of self-confidence. Confidence reflects one’s attitude of self-affirmation or disapproval, and one’s belief in how capable and successful one is. Confident children are determined, independent, and good at expressing themselves. On the other hand, many children do less than they can do because they lack self-confidence. One of the reasons for the failure may be that the child fails to use the anger he feels towards his parents, but cannot express directly, to reject the authority of the parents and thus tries to take revenge on his parents.

In other words, as everyone knows and understands, family situation and interaction play a great role in the academic life of the child.

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