No To Serial Production!

The education system is a kind of education plan that should appeal to people of all ages and from all walks of life and is designed for students to get the maximum efficiency they can get.  The academic success of the country depends on the quality of the education provided and the capability of the students. Countries that implement a system suitable for both of these criteria are placed at the top of the success rankings. It is observed that the students of the countries that prefer the education system that appeals to the needs and hobbies of the students have achieved great success in every scope.

Considering the education system of Turkey, the country where I have been studying for years, we can say that some applications are not done right. Turkey ranks 41st out of 76 countries in the OECD’s education report. As the statistics show, the level we are in, in terms of education, should be improved. I think the main reason why we cannot achieve a certain success in education is due to the rote learning system. They put students into machines as if they were in a factory, and individuals with uniform characteristics are obtained like series production. Students cannot allocate the necessary time for their talents and hobbies, instead, they are forced to acquire the features imposed on them by the system. Instead of measuring how students use the information in the exams, whether they can memorize the information is measured, and on top of that, students’ futures are played with a rather brutal ranking system. While students interested in art have difficulties, students with numerical intelligence benefit from the system. It is thought that those who do not know mathematics cannot have a decent life in Turkey. This causes the students to lose their horizons and their psychology to deteriorate.

Children are the builders of our future, if a child changes, a society changes. No matter how meaningless it may seem now, in the future we will live the lives that our young generation provides for us and shape our lives according to their perspectives. For a better future, we should change the perspectives of students and make them more hopeful individuals for the future. We should enable students to carry out more comprehensive studies towards their own wishes and needs, and obtain a community accoutred both socially and academically. It is certain that small changes to be made will bring great benefits in the future.

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