
Why Should Moon Day Be Celebrated?

According to the research, when we look at the ratios of the masses of
the satellites in the Solar System and the planets around which these satellites
revolve, it is seen that the highest ratio exists between the Moon and Earth. So
the Moon is a big satellite. This means that the Moon has significant effects on
the earth. What would happen if there were no Moon? If there were no moon, if
the Earth were rotating around itself very quickly, as it did in the distant past,
there would most likely be strong winds and storms in the atmosphere.
The another significant effect about Moon it is on the Earth’s axial tilt.
There is an angle of about 23 degrees 27 minutes between the plane of Earth’s
orbit and the plane of the equator. So, the Earth’s equator is not coincident
each other. So, the Earth goes around the Sun with its neck slightly bent. What
does this axial tilt do? This axial tilt causes different regions of the earth to
receive sunlight at different angles throughout the year, and broadly the
diameter of the seasons. So, the Moon contributes to the continuation of the
conditions suitable for life on earth by ensuring that the Earth’s axial tilt
changes very slowly and remains within a small range. This is because the Earth
is flat at the poles and bulging at the equator, so the gravitational group of the
Moon is equal at each center on the Earth.
So how does the Moon Day be celebrated?
The Moon Day is celebrated at nights. At night, all people
are wearing white. The Moon is observed. This day is a special day because there will be Full
Moon. (The Full Moon cannot be here another year) The humans
go inside a big tent. In the big tent, there videos are shown about the Moon. An
another video of NASA’s rocket landing on the Moon is shown. Shows are
made. They create a beautiful image by dressing in black and white, dance
shows about the Moon are made, and they eat delicious food. This environment is adorned
with bright ornaments. There is a beautiful sight. People find peace and be
enchanted here. Astronaut Snoopy’s balloon appears. Such events take place
on the Day of the Moon.



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