Technology now occupies a huge space and place in our lives. It has become almost impossible to stay away from technological devices even for a day, let alone a month, because we use technology for most of our daily activities. So, how could we manage to stay away from technology and gadgets for a whole month? If such an event happened to me, I would share how I would make it easier and more fun to spend that month.
If this happened to me, I wouldn’t be happy about it, but since I would be without technology, I could find more time to socialise and pick up a lot of hobbies. First, I would rent a house by the sea with close friends for a month. This way, there would be a change of environment, and since I would be with people I love, I wouldn’t get bored. In the mornings, before breakfast, we could go for a walk together or swim in the sea early. After breakfast, we could go swimming again, and after the sea, we could play volleyball on the beach. In the evenings, we could have a barbecue, play board games, or play charades, and do many other fun things. We could meet new people and socialise. If we had our phones and the internet, most likely everyone would be glued to their phones, and we wouldn’t have as much fun.