Turkey Republic day. Cumhuriyet Bayramı. Holiday background with watercolor imitation Turkey flag in heart shape

29th Of October

The 29th of October holds immense significance for us Turkish people, as it is an important moment in our history. This date is the founding of the Republic of Turkey, an incredible achievement that stands as proof of the people’s unimaginable determination and leadership. And in this blog, I wanted to talk about its importance, the development process, and the aftermath of it. 


The importance of the declaration of the republic is undeniably great because the nation of Turks has been on a downfall since the beginning of the 19th century due to the increasing lack of ability and power of the sultans themselves and great economic damage. The government tried its best to keep the empire from collapsing however all of their attempts failed because people of other nations under the control of the Ottoman Empire wanted freedom and denied living under the empire. The move that finished the Ottoman Empire was entering World War 1. Ottoman Empire was defeated and collapsed, leaving its land in the hands of the foes. 


The Turks didn’t accept living as a colony of another country. A soldier named Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has been warning the government before their participation the the war. He wanted to save the country, he wouldn’t accept Turks being seen as slaves so he went to Samsun with the permission of the “government” At first. After his actions to motivate the people to fight for their freedom the government disapproved of him and called for him to return, he continued his journey to free the nation as a civil. After numerous congresses and treaties, the War of Independence started.


The war ended with Turk’s victory however the nation suffered immensely and there was nothing in their hands to become the great nation they once were. However, they had freedom and Atatürk decided to change the old laws and regulations of the Ottoman Empire to more modern and peaceful ways. To give people the freedom they deserved, he abolished the reign and brought a republic to the Turks. Ottoman Empire became The Republic Of Turkey where people were equal, modern, and most importantly free. He gave rights to women, to children. He made great revolutions however unfortunately he couldn’t see it for long. 


So for a hundred years, we’ve been a republic and living as an independent country. And fortunately, we’ll live another hundred years as a republic. I am really proud to be a Turk and really grateful for what the great leader Atatürk has provided us and for future generations. Also a memento to all the dear soldiers who gave their lives for this country,

Happy 100th Year Anniversary Of 29th Of October! 



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