As I questioned whether I was schizophrenic, a witch suddenly entered the room. “Ida, didn’t you prepare yet? Come on, we’re going to be late!” she said, rambling about many things. I was too shocked to respond or explain anything.
Then, from the window, a girl who looked exactly like me shouted, “Ida! Ida!” Naturally, I screamed too. Luckily, the woman I thought was my mother didn’t hear me.
Somehow, my reflection in the mirror had accidentally switched places with me after drinking a potion. She told me many things about magic, but I couldn’t understand any of it. No matter how excited she was, I remained frozen.
Then, an animal approached me and whispered something in a strange language. Strangely enough, I understood it—even though I usually struggle to understand normal speech. How was that even possible?
Fortunately, without my knowledge, the girl in the mirror brewed another potion and returned me to my normal life. But I will never forget that mysterious world.